Quick Draw 48 hour Animation Challenge
Want to make a film?
Have you been putting off making that animated masterpiece you’ve been dreaming of because you never seem to have the time? Maybe you’ve been waiting for a moment of inspiration to get started…
We’ll supply the theme and the enthusiasm to get you going. All we ask in return is 48 hours of your time. We’ll even get your film in front of an audience.
What is Quick Draw?
Quick Draw is a 48hr animation challenge. We set a theme and teams have a weekend to make and submit a film based on that theme.
We started in 2018 as part of the first Cardiff Animation Festival and have been proudly supported by them ever since. We are now an annual event with animators entering from all over the world.
Will the Films Be Shown Anywhere?
We organise a live stream of all the films online, so teams from all over the world can participate. The films will also be screened at Chapter Arts Centre as part of Cardiff Animation Festival!
Who Can Enter?
We welcome people of all ages and animation abilities and styles. The event is totally free to to enter and it’s remote, so you can join from anywhere.
How to Quick Draw
The Event
Quick Draw always starts on a Friday night. We’ll announce the theme on our socials and through email. Teams have until Sunday night to submit their films.
Submit your film in the best quality you can - we suggest HD (1920x1080) Prores, but a high-bitrate H.264 is also fine - to our email address (cardiffquickdraw@gmail.com) using Wetransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive. You’ll recieve an email confirmation to say we’ve recieved and checked it. Please be patient as it takes time to download and watch all the films.
If you don’t recieve a confirmation the same day you submit then we haven’t got your film and you’ll need to email us so we can sort it out.
Now you can sleep, you’ve earned it!
The Screenings
The films will then be screened online first - we will email you with info on the screening time and link to the screening. Everyone is welcome, so invite all your family and friends and show off your hard work!
And finally…all the finished films will be shown at Cardiff Animation Festival.
Your films are your own, but we respectfully ask that you please hold off from sharing them online before the screenings, so we can get them as much attention as possible.